Top All-TimeEnough Plumbers 2

Enough Plumbers 2Enough Plumbers 2
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Category: logic

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A puzzle platformer with a repair man and clones cloning clones, part 2. Create replicating plumbers by collecting coins, each with unique abilities, and control them all simultaneously to reach the exit in each level. Multiplying plumber is back for some more crazy action where you need to try and get at least 1 of the plumbers to the exit on each of the 30 stages.
Use the Arrow keys to move and jump. Do not fall off from the ledges and avoid enemy creatures around. Hit Space bar key to reset a stage, heading for each levels tiny flag to win and jumping on (most) enemies to destroy them. The idea is every time you touch a coin, you spawn another plumber that moves in tandem with the others. You need one to survive to win in most cases, you'll quickly discover they're not all as expendable as you think. Collect new power-ups such as the Ghost and the Spaceman and figure out how to use those effectively to get through stages. Remember you can reset with Space bar key or go back to the level select screen with Escape key.

Size: 5544709 Bytes
