Top All-TimeSensitive

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Category: logic

Rating: 5 / 5 with 35 votes

Game Plays: 1049


Download: sensitive_s60_2nd.jar sensitive_s60_2nd.jad Play Online

The Concept of the game is, as always, to get from the starting position to the Exit block destroying all blocks along the way, You may go over the animated blocks more than once, Teleporters will throw you around the level (press fire to use them), One way blocks (blocks with arrows running through them) will also thwart your journey. You must destroy all of the stripey Greenish blocks, including the animated ones before you can exit the level. In this version there is also the addition of Ice blocks, these blocks are so slippery that if you walk onto one you will not be able to stop till you come to a block that isn`t ice. Each time you complete a level you will `unlock` a new one, there are 50 levels in total, Sensitive automatically remembers which levels you have unlocked, even after exiting the game or restarting your phone. you can select any of the levels you have unlocked as your starting level,from the main menu by moving onto the level option and using left or right joystick. Please note that this game has only been tested on the Nokia N70 and the 6600. Size: 48.19 Kb



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