Fiendish and addictive, help Freddie to clear a path through a series of rooms by moving blocs that can only be moved in particular directions. Choc-o-Bloc is a one player game that features a save game facility.
 Once in one thousand years a gate in the Lock of Spells open. You can enter and to try success at final examination on magical skill!
 Good chess for Nokia phones
 Usual beautiful chess for a mobile phone
Manage the chaos of related elements!
Remember the given picture and after mixing fight the disorder by twisting the chains the colored balls are within. Because of destruction of neighbouring chains you will need a plan ...
Size: 14.49 Kb
 Very not clear game, but looks enough good.
 Play the immortal game of chess against others online, or practice against your phone or our powerful server AI with a variety of difficulty levels. Our fully featured chess supports legal move verification including En Passant, castling, stalemate and draw by repetition, and clock based play. Play against others is rated using the ELO rating system. Let us quickly match you with an appropriate player, or invite your friends to play. In-game chat, move undo, play-by-mail, and detailed game analysis makes Chess by Cellufun an appealing game to both beginners and masters alike.
Size: 82.77 Kb
 Crack the code! Four of the six colors form the color code, the symbols on the balls give information about color choice and (in case of correct color) about correctness of position.
Size: 13.3KB