The black spiteful cat dumps eggs from a roof of a henhouse. It is necessary to have time to catch them not allowing to be broken.
 Ajvor and Jora are adventurers on the head. Having lost the way in jungle, they have fallen a victim to a terrible damnation to Wood. Now at them only one on a head for two and if you will not help them with the, they and will disappear in this devil's jungle of Amazon!
 Four best fighters challenge a rank of the most abrupt in city. Each of them has the parameters of force, dexterity and speed. Having chosen the hero, it is necessary to battle to three others and to show, who here the most abrupt and who is suitable only for drunk fight in a bar.
 Everyone know game tic-tac-toe. It is its one of variants only with very big field. Podnaprjagite brains also try to win and phone. It is necessary to build a line from five daggers and to not give the opponent to make too most
 Kama Sutra Delux brings you the art of making love to your mobile, packaged with a fun mobile game for your endless pleasure and excitement. Have the wisdom of the Kama Sutra in the palm of your hand and see how finger fast you are with the included Game.
 Races by machines, in a role of the racer - the panda.
 Quite good arkadnaja game. The Xodilka-browser. is very qualitatively made