Patience, simple patience. Now and on a mobile phone. Spread out cards a free minute from work. You should not borrow for this purpose a computer at all, as usually. In the beginning of game at you 500 dollars. Before the beginning of each game it is possible to stake from 50 dollars and is higher - how many the soul will wish!
 Races on jeeps off-road cars on career with overcoming obstacles from sand and the ground. Having dashed away with start by the first, you will easily reach finish the winner. On road collect columns with gasoline, differently hardly it to manage to reach to finish.
 The third demo of zelda mobile, will probably be the last demo before the complete game is released.. The design will feature much more open dungeons and more puzzles.. The release of this demo is still about 3 months away.. dungeon 4,5,6 will be included..
since so many ask about the "B" button, i use the standard gamebutton_B in java, and it is different on all phones...
On sonyericsson it is allmost always "7". Find any "B" button weapon (in the first dungon) and select it in the menu, and start trying buttons.. ;)
Small Faq..
-B button: different on all phones, no one except manufacturer knows..
-Rupies: the room just above where you start, use bombs get big rupiebag..
-Raft: is not yet usable, but you can "walk" over to where dungeon 4 is supposed to be
 Attack Zeppelin-it Java which game of action occur during the Second world war. The player uses the air ship to bombard various kinds of enemy objects which are protected by planes and ground tanks. The player should avoid collision of the air ship with buildings. Game offers some levels of difficulty and missions.
 The main character of this entertaining puzzle - an ancient stone idol-frog of the Zoom! And it means, that you should be at war with circumstances in an image of so uncommon character.
 At first you were pleased to have inherited such a fine estate from your mysterious Aunt Agatha. Only when you went for your first viewing did you realise that the entire house was infested with the undead!