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1. Yeti Sports - fun - 1211 plays
Yeti Sports
German scientists have proved - penguins fly! And it is rather quite good - a little sot meters for them not a limit. Only the help - as the yeti with the wooden accelerator in a kind hairy paw is necessary for them.
2. Yeti Sport 8 - arcade - 1106 plays
Yeti Sport 8
Our unruly yeti Jeti all over the world is wound: it has visited and hot Africa - where was engaged in not trivial golf, and in snow Austria - where comprehended elements of snowboarding, and in the Australia filled in by the sun - where trained penguins in art of flight. Here only the leg of our adventurer did not go into the grounds of South America still!
       2 games starting with Y
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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
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