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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
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       4 tetris games starting with C
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1. Columns Master - tetris - 768 plays
Columns Master
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Columns Master game rules are very simple. On the top tree figures fall and you must set them to form horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines of 3 or more of the same figure. Try to make combinations of three or more crystals in a line and do not allow to fill your game field. Smile figure destroy all blocks where you show him. Use Left/Right arrow to move figures. Up arrow to change figures in column. Down arrow to move figures down fast. You can control the game with WASD keys too.

Size: 4797894 Bytes

2. Candy Tetris - tetris - 960 plays
Candy Tetris
Link: Play
A new style for the Tetris game.

Size: 6438 Bytes

3. Crystalix - tetris - 1113 plays
Link: Play
Mix together a few classic puzzle games like Tetris and others and this is what you get.

Size: 668046 Bytes

4. Cherry Bomb Tetris - tetris - 938 plays
Cherry Bomb Tetris
Link: Play
Yet another Tetris game, objectives are obvious – but with some differences. U can collect fire crac

Size: 619887 Bytes

       4 tetris games starting with C
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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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