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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
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       13 rpg games starting with B
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1. Brawler Bear Arena - rpg - 1354 plays
Brawler Bear Arena
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Brawl your way through the animal kingdom in this RPG-Brawler mix. Level up, buy new gear, and even craft them! Train your skills and hire henchmen to be be the ultimate brawler bear. Before fighting against some of the top gladiators in front of a cheering crowd complete various missions to prove you as a worthy opponent. Press Arrow keys to walk around, A to block blows, S to punch, D to kick and Space bar key to interact with NPC characters within the forest. Collect coins to buy upgrades such as armour or weapons at the various peddler shops in and around town.

Size: 2988977 Bytes

Battle Stance: Human campaign
Link: Play
Welcome, my Lord. Orcs have invaded our great land and we need to recover it! Our forces have been pushed down to the southeastern corners as many cities and allies have been taken hostage: Archers, Priests and Mages among others. This foul invasion cannot stand! We have placed all of our forces in your command. No one remembers what began with a bloody war alliance and a horde of orcs people, but that does not mean that they are ready to conclude a peace treaty. Lead us to victory!

Size: 7381363 Bytes

3. Bulwark 53 - rpg - 1378 plays
Bulwark 53
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I can't hear people around me. I must be in some king of infirmary, and I have no clue how long I've been here. The only thing I can remember is looking over at Sargeant Biggs running towards me after we got hit, and feeling my body fall into a deep sleep. Need to find some answers.... Change weapons in your inventory by pressing numbers 1-6. Move with W,A,S,D. Press M on your keyboard to use the Medic Packs when you have one. Space bar to reload your weapon. Aim and left cilck on your mouse to fire your enemies.

Size: 4618229 Bytes

4. Battle Ball - rpg - 803 plays
Battle Ball
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A sport-like game, but the dice make it RPG-like too.

Size: 610599 Bytes

5. Battle - rpg - 732 plays
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The battle of the balls. Increase skill points to take on user specified opponents.

Size: 838406 Bytes

6. Black Dragon: Phase 1 - rpg - 802 plays
Black Dragon: Phase 1
Link: Play
Explore, discover, talk, and fight.

Size: 5198403 Bytes

7. Battle! - rpg - 675 plays
Link: Play
Your ball against an enemy ball. Fight to the death!

Size: 843853 Bytes

8. Battle Conqueror - rpg - 754 plays
Battle Conqueror
Link: Play
A well created RPG game with multiple areas and purchasable items.

Size: 2357485 Bytes

9. Bleach Training - rpg - 825 plays
Bleach Training
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Buy items and attack enemies. Regular RPG style.

Size: 3586538 Bytes

10. Blue Rabbit's Climate Chaos - rpg - 775 plays
Blue Rabbit's Climate Chaos
Link: Play
An RPG exploration game with decent cartoon graphics.

Size: 4862852 Bytes

11. Blood II The Chosen - rpg - 644 plays
Blood II The Chosen
Link: Play
An exploration and adventure game. Pick the right path or you die.

Size: 3517440 Bytes

12. Book of Mages - rpg - 985 plays
Book of Mages
Link: Play
Join a clan and train and build up your powers, then release them on some poor soul!

Size: 258000 Bytes

13. Brain Hotel - rpg - 798 plays
Brain Hotel
Link: Play
13 MB RPG with a strange storyline. The more you discover the stranger it gets.

Size: 14013582 Bytes

       13 rpg games starting with B
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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
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