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51. MuscoMorpha - action - 703 plays
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Your a fly that eats crap to stay alive.

Size: 3749117 Bytes

52. Metal Slug Stick - action - 771 plays
Metal Slug Stick
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A side scrolling stickman game with guns, grenades and flamethrowers.

Size: 343202 Bytes

53. Mario Time Attack - action - 915 plays
Mario Time Attack
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Mario races against the clock to please the princess.

Size: 427972 Bytes

54. Micro Tanks - action - 681 plays
Micro Tanks
Link: Play
Bounce your ammo off the walls to hit the opposing tank.

Size: 261462 Bytes

55. Mario Remix - action - 892 plays
Mario Remix
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Mario appears in other games as well as Mario World.

Size: 3002100 Bytes

56. MarioWorld - action - 876 plays
Link: Play
Just another Mario flash game.

Size: 1599409 Bytes

57. Mario's Adventure - action - 760 plays
Mario's Adventure
Link: Play
Another well done Mario flash game.

Size: 3047902 Bytes

58. Mega Man - action - 662 plays
Mega Man
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Another side scrolling Megaman game.

Size: 762045 Bytes

59. Mister Shuster - action - 605 plays
Mister Shuster
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Jump over spikes and gather items.

Size: 941446 Bytes

60. MJ Baby Drop - action - 765 plays
MJ Baby Drop
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Catch the babies as Michael Jackson drops them from balcony.

Size: 85910 Bytes

61. Metal Armor - action - 681 plays
Metal Armor
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In this game you go around shooting the other team trying to win.

Size: 125033 Bytes

62. Magical Stars - action - 602 plays
Magical Stars
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Help the little wizard collect all the magical stars through the different levels.

Size: 1088206 Bytes

63. Manic Medic - action - 675 plays
Manic Medic
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Work as a paramedic rescue team member, drive the ambulance around the streets picking up serious pa

Size: 244396 Bytes

64. Metal Slug 5 - action - 964 plays
Metal Slug 5
Link: Play
A very short Metal Slug. For those that can't get enough.

Size: 1188979 Bytes

65. Metal Slug Kill The Nazis - action - 805 plays
Metal Slug Kill The Nazis
Link: Play
Keep moving forward and kill all the Nazis that get in your way.

Size: 206456 Bytes

66. Megaman Next - action - 704 plays
Megaman Next
Link: Play
Some parts fighting, some parts side scrolling aciton.

Size: 4343208 Bytes

67. Metroid Hunter - action - 669 plays
Metroid Hunter
Link: Play
A sidescrolling firing game in the Metroid universe.

Size: 125310 Bytes

68. MegaManX Level 2 - action - 734 plays
MegaManX Level 2
Link: Play
A short level in the MegaMan universe.

Size: 892963 Bytes

69. MGS Missile Evation - action - 597 plays
MGS Missile Evation
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Help Snake dodge the missiles.

Size: 933330 Bytes

70. Megaman PX - Time Trial - action - 663 plays
Megaman PX - Time Trial
Link: Play
Complete the levels as fast as possible.

Size: 1225766 Bytes

71. Muneeba - action - 1467 plays
Link: Play
Girly looking sidescroller slug squishing game.

Size: 529211 Bytes

72. Mega Tank - action - 645 plays
Mega Tank
Link: Play
Destory all the enemies that are firing at your tank.

Size: 3011849 Bytes

73. Magic Jet - action - 565 plays
Magic Jet
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Side scrolling action game with weapon upgrades, multiple playable characters, multiple long levels,

Size: 2477768 Bytes

74. Metal Armor - action - 660 plays
Metal Armor
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Collect the golden points while avoiding enemy fire.

Size: 175935 Bytes

75. Misc. Metal Slug - action - 772 plays
Misc. Metal Slug
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Destroy the enemies as they drop from the ski.

Size: 437224 Bytes

76. Mage Attack - action - 570 plays
Mage Attack
Link: Play
Shoot the monsters as they come from all corners of the game using your keyboard.

Size: 83869 Bytes

77. Moon Patrol - action - 565 plays
Moon Patrol
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Jump your Mars rover over holes and shoot objects in your way.

Size: 127053 Bytes

78. Mausland Assault - action - 600 plays
Mausland Assault
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A sidescrolling jet shooter. Some enemies move trickly and seem to almost come after you.

Size: 636493 Bytes

79. Metal Wrath - action - 576 plays
Metal Wrath
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A fast paced jet shooter with multiple enemies.

Size: 3806718 Bytes

80. Magic Mansion - action - 666 plays
Magic Mansion
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Grab the keys, avoid the creatures and get to the door.

Size: 2922459 Bytes

81. Mutants 2 - action - 675 plays
Mutants 2
Link: Play
Shoot the mutants as they pop out of bushes and more in this topdown view game.

Size: 501722 Bytes

82. Megaman Zero Alpha - action - 721 plays
Megaman Zero Alpha
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Sidescrolling action with old school characters.

Size: 4067297 Bytes

83. Maid Rouser Captive - action - 701 plays
Maid Rouser Captive
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Side action shooter game with some chit chatty dialogue.

Size: 1478839 Bytes

84. Marble World - action - 709 plays
Marble World
Link: Play
A marble jumping and coin collecting game. Dispite the cheap look, it's fun.

Size: 856527 Bytes

85. Mr. Cage - Sudden Death - action - 649 plays
Mr. Cage - Sudden Death
Link: Play
Jump up levels dodging fireballs and more. Reach the top to level up.

Size: 824910 Bytes

86. MegaMan Zero - action - 794 plays
MegaMan Zero
Link: Play
Sidescrolling slashing action in the MegaMan universe.

Size: 2269132 Bytes

87. Mutants 1 - action - 527 plays
Mutants 1
Link: Play
Top-down view of the original mutants game. Blast them mutants!

Size: 566299 Bytes

88. Mobile Weapon Assault - action - 698 plays
Mobile Weapon Assault
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Shoot the flying objects and progress and unlock other mechs.

Size: 2764139 Bytes

89. Midnight Invaders - action - 655 plays
Midnight Invaders
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Drop bombs on the attacking vehicles, blow up the prison and rescue the hostages.

Size: 528768 Bytes

90. Muffin the Star Hunter - action - 566 plays
Muffin the Star Hunter
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Great looking sidescroller for kids and grownups alike. Grab the stars, bounce on enemies.

Size: 722410 Bytes

91. Miepie's Combat - action - 564 plays
Miepie's Combat
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Shoot the crocs as they come onto the screen.

Size: 315746 Bytes

92. Modern Medieval - action - 690 plays
Modern Medieval
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A sidescrolling stickman bow 'n' arrow game. Multiple levels and requires decent aiming with mouse.

Size: 607501 Bytes

93. Mario's Adventure 2 - action - 989 plays
Mario's Adventure 2
Link: Play
A new Mario game with much improved graphics similar to the DS.

Size: 3527851 Bytes

94. Mission Impossible - action - 4392 plays
Mission Impossible
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An amazing side view action game with multiple weapons and enemies. Similar to Gunmaster series.

Size: 412289 Bytes

95. Moon Sweeper - action - 716 plays
Moon Sweeper
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Jump on the moon in low gravity and shoot enemies.

Size: 422347 Bytes

96. Matrix Rampage - action - 709 plays
Matrix Rampage
Link: Play
A sidescroller with punching, jumping and enemies with weapons. Beat the crap out of those Agents!

Size: 516839 Bytes

97. Mobile Fight - action - 814 plays
Mobile Fight
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2 player only. Pick your mobile suit and level and shoot it out against each other.

Size: 4557074 Bytes

98. Mass Destruction - action - 765 plays
Mass Destruction
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Run over the people, blow up the buildings, and watch out for mines.

Size: 780543 Bytes

99. Magic Jet 2 - action - 662 plays
Magic Jet 2
Link: Play
Sidescrolling with multiple powerups, tons of enemies, bosses, different characters to choose from.

Size: 1532658 Bytes

100. Metal Slug 2 - action - 1152 plays
Metal Slug 2
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Another Metal Slug game hits with Metal Slug characters. Click as fast as you can on the enemies.

Size: 2701303 Bytes

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action casino fight fun erotic logic race retro rpg shoot skill sport strategy tetris
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